

Foreigners in Zhejiang are not only the builders of “Beautiful Zhejiang”, but also its overseas messengers. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. In order to further tell Zhejiang’s stories and convey China’s voice, ZTV WORLD planned and organized the mini documentary series for foreigners named “I’m in Zhejiang” Series: 100 Foreign Friends’ Impressions of Zhejiang, hosted by the Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government.


Through the personal experiences of more than 100 foreigners working, studying and living in Zhejiang, we tell the wonderful stories of their integration and pursuit of dreams in Zhejiang, fully demonstrate the great changes in Zhejiang during the past 100 years since the founding of the CPC, and show the speed and style of Zhejiang. 


非常荣幸,记录爱凤环创始人陈清祥博士的作品《我心安 处》荣获这次建党百年特别奉献之《我在浙江--建党百年百名外国友人看浙江》三等奖!

热烈祝贺爱凤环作品《我心安处》获得建党百年特别奉献之《我在浙江–百名外国友人看浙江》三等奖 (qq.com)
